Friday, January 17, 2020

My Dealing with 50 Million Facebook Stalkers: Homelessness


1. Many of the 50 Million Facebook stalkers LOST their HOUSING during the CORONA VIRUS EPIDEMIC because they are POOR, UNEDUCATED, TOXIC, and DON'T HAVE ANY SAVINGS. They focus on HOMELESSNESS 50% of their day for the last few years on the FACEBOOK SITE to harass Tanya Thomas and this helps THEM to MANIFEST homelessness through VISUALIZATION. 

2. Many of the 50 Million Facebook stalkers LOSE their HOUSING because they are trying to "SHOW POWER" and be "INSUBORDINATE" AT THEIR JOBS and LOSE THE JOB."They are doing ILLEGAL things at their workplace, in order, to AFFECT Tanya Thomas's life NEGATIVELY. They are striving DAILY to make Tanya Thomas's life HARDER. At their jobs, they are being FIRED and REPLACED for this ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. They don't have SAVINGS in their BANK ACCOUNTS, so most of the 50 MILLION FACEBOOK STALKERS are POOR/ BROKE/ POVERTY LEVEL/WORKING CLASS/ DESTITUTE.  They then LOSE THEIR HOUSING because they can not AFFORD to PAY RENT after they LOSE THEIR JOBS.

3. Many of the 50 Million Facebook stalkers were ALREADY HOMELESS when the site was created. They lived in the SAME LOS ANGELES, CA SHELTERS that TANYA THOMAS did back in 2012. The male who created the page is and was HOMELESS, CRIMINAL/ RAP SHEET, NO GED, and NO MONEY/SAVINGS.

4. Many of the 50 Million Facebook stalkers are HOMELESS in AMERICA. They are drawn to the FACEBOOK SITE because it gives them the ILLUSION OF POWER when they have NO HOUSING, NO MONEY, NO SAVINGS, NO SELF-CARE, NO SELF-LOVE, NO FAMILY, and NO SUPPORT.

5.  BUM ASS FRIENDS who live in their families, friends, & Momma's attic, basement, on the sofa/couch, on the futon with NO JOB/ NO EMPLOYMENT (paying NO RENT) acting like they are Celebrities, Activists, WRITERS, PUBLISHED ARTISTS with chat books, POETS, and BIG SHOTS. Their family, friends, and Momma's are "THROWING THEIR ASS OUT" to become HOMELESS and LEARN about the WORLD and MONEY.

(KARMA...GOD sees EVERYTHING and GOD doesn't like UGLY)

And so it is!!!!!!!

#Everyone Loves Tanya Thomas
#The Most Beautiful Woman in the World
#The Only Enlightened Being in the World
#The Only Christ Being in the World
#Master Teacher
#Master Healer

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